TMDD is a network composed of a leadership team and members. The leadership team is composed of migrant and refugee leaders from the UK, US, Ireland, Greece, Germany and Finland and representatives from NPNA, MPG and Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Each country is represented by two leaders and at least one of the representatives must be formally attached to the partner organisation. The leadership team makes all strategical decisions and TMDD’s annual plan, while working groups focus on fundraising, content, campaigns, etc. The role of the leadership team is:
- To decide on TMDD’s strategy (mission, vision, values, objectives, campaigns and financial matters)
- To safeguard the purpose of TMDD
- To support the coordinator
- To mentor local leaders and TMDD members at the local level when needed
- To commit to the role for two years
- To maintain diversity within the leadership team
- Attend monthly leadership calls and keep each other informed on the progress of TMDD’s regional work, news, opportunities, challenges, etc.
The leadership members get the chance to meet, brainstorm, plan and celebrate during TMDD’s annual Democracy Summit and NIIC conference.
If you are interested in joining the leadership team, contact TMDD’s coordinator at []