Partner organisations
Anti-Racist Forum Finland (ARF)
Anti-Racist Forum Finland (ARF) is the first critical, intersectional, and feminist PoC-led collaborative anti-racist initiative based in Finland. ARF is a collaborative anti-racist initiative organised by a group of people who have been active in different anti-racist networks, associations and grassroots groups in Finland and abroad. The ARF working group has planned an event that gathers different anti-racist actors and cultural influencers for discussions, workshops, presentations, and performances. It has been motivated by the thought that a space for dialogue and networking among anti-racists would be important.
Greek Forum of Refugees
The Greek Forum of Refugees is a Panhellenic network of refugees and their supports. Its main goals are to 1) Defend the rights and protect the freedoms of refugees and asylum seekers, as enshrined by international law. 2) Inform and raise awareness around access to refugee status, and general immigrant and refugee issues. 3) Create relationships with agencies and non-governmental organisations in order to start meaningful dialogue between all institutions of government and human rights organisations. 4) Support the unity of refugees. Create social and cultural ties between all members of the Greek Forum of Refugees, as well as between the members of each ethnic community of refugees in Greece. 5) Effectively lobby with the state for the promotion of refugee issues. 6) Provide a platform for refugees and their communities to self-organise.
Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI)
Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) is a national, independent non-governmental organisation that has been promoting the rights of migrants since 2001. ICI is a human rights organisation and law centre that supports and advocates for the rights of immigrants and their families and acts as a catalyst for public debate, legal and policy change. Since its founding in 2011, ICI has become one of the lead organisations in the areas of immigration and integration and its focus has expanded to tackling racism and promoting the participation and representation of migrants in Irish life.
Migrants Organise UK
Migrants Organise UK is a platform where refugees and migrants organise for power, dignity and justice. Drawing on two decades work as the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum, Migrants Organise develops leadership and opens up spaces for relational, organised participation of migrants and refugees in public life. To achieve this goal, Migrants Organise undertakes community organising,
Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Migration Policy Group (MPG) was founded in 1995 and acts as a leading European independent, non-profit think-and-do-tank. MPG’s work supports diverse societies to invest in their future. Bolstered by an extensive international network, it plays a central role in reform and practice on antidiscrimination, immigration and integration, where citizenship and political participation have been central to its work. TMDD is MPG’s main way of supporting and partnering with migrant leaders, promoting evidence-based solutions through research, innovation, networking, innovations and campaigns. All of MPG’s activities benefit from an interdisciplinary methodology, and from the staff’s skills, expertise, and high level of organisational commitment.
National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA)
The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) is a national multiethnic, multiracial partnership. NPNA believes that America’s success is rooted in Americans’ ongoing commitment to welcoming and integrating newcomers into the fabric of the nation, and to upholding equality and opportunity as fundamental American values. Based in Chicago, NPNA represents the collective power and resources of the country’s 37 largest regional immigrant and refugee rights organisations in 31 states. NPNA’s members provide large-scale services—from DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) application processing to voter registration to health care enrollment—for their communities, and they combine service delivery with sophisticated organising tactics to advance local and state policy. NPNA exists to leverage the collective power and expertise of its member organisations for a national strategy. It holds a unique position in the immigrant rights movement as the foremost institution comprised of and led by immigrant constituencies and has been a key player in shaping local, regional, and national policy and politics impacting immigrant communities.